Sustainability and Regulatory Compliance


At FOCE we adhere to the United Nations Global Compact, an initiative that brings together the 10 universal principles of corporate social responsibility in areas related to human rights, labor, environment, and transparency.

We have incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the United Nations.

FOCE is committed to them through to our specific contribution to 5 of them.

Clean water and sanitation

Decent work and economic growth

Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Sustainable cities and communities
Alliances to achieve the objectives


FOCE's management is firmly committed to promoting a strong culture of regulatory compliance, ethics and integrity in the performance of all the company's activities.

Both among our team and other third parties that provide services or in any way act on its behalf. To this end, and in order to maintain an environment of continuous improvement in this area, FOCE has established a series of measures and policies regarding regulatory compliance.

Ethical code
and Integrity

Compliance Guide

Internal Policies